In a new contract awarded by Southern Ports to local not-for-profit organisation Green Skills, an additional 900 native trees, shrubs and ground covers will be planted over the next three years along 300-metres of natural port buffer land on Brunswick Road.
The revegetation project will remediate the area adjacent to the Port of Albany office and improve the habitat for native species such as the Quenda, Ring Tail Possum and Black Cockatoos.
More than 40 varieties will be planted as part of the 900 natives across the area including Acacias, Banksias, Hakeas.
The Green Skills contract also includes weed control, native seedling supply, mulch/chip supply and installation to suppress weeds, access track maintenance, and labour.
Planting of the first batch of natives will commence in May next year, with Green Skills to undertake weed management and area preparation over the next 10 months.
If you have any queries regarding the project, please contact the Port of Albany Environment Team via or 08 9892 9000