The Queen Elizabeth visits the Port of Albany

The Queen Elizabeth visits the Port of Albany

  • Albany
  • Community
  • Published: 9 December 2019

Queen Elizabeth cruise ship visits Albany

On Sunday December 8, the Queen Elizabeth cruise ship visited the Port of Albany with over 2000 passengers on board.

Built in 2010, the Queen Elizabeth is 294 metres in length, 36metres in breadth and has a deadweight of 7685t.

Interim General Manager Port of Albany Dale Lindkvist said the visits provided a special boost for the town.

“We are always delighted to welcome the cruise ships and their passengers into town. They provide a great trading opportunity for local businesses and tourism providers and their arrival really signals the start of summer,” said Dale.

After visiting Albany, the Queen Elizabeth headed to another Southern Ports’ destination at the Port of Esperance before concluding its 42 day voyage in Melbourne on December 14.

The vessel’s arrival is captured here by drone and has also been shared with GWN news.