The Bunbury Fishing Platform located at the Port of Bunbury's Outer Harbour is closed until further notice for essential repairs. During this time, public access will not be permitted.
The timeline for completion of the works will depend on the availability of contractors (noting there is a shortage of contractors in the region at present).
While the Platform is closed, we recommend checking out our region’s other fishing hot spots.
Why is the Bunbury Fishing Platform closed?
Engineering inspections of the Bunbury Fishing Platform have identified pile refurbishments are required to ensure the ongoing safety and use of the jetty can be maintained. We are currently progressing engineering designs for the refurbishments, which will be tendered in the coming months.
Why are these refurbishments needed now?
Earlier refurbishments of the Bunbury Fishing Platform undertaken in 2020 were focused on the jetty deck, which was required to be addressed at that time.
The current refurbishments are primarily focused on the underlying jetty piles, in the tidal and splash zones. Degradation of these piles has accelerated beyond original expectations, so these need to be attended to earlier than anticipated.
How long will the Platform be closed for?
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide a reopening date at this stage as the completion of works and the subsequent reopening of the platform is dependent on the availability of suitably qualified contractors, and we already know that there are current contractor shortages in the region for these types of works.
Please be assured however that Southern Ports is committed to undertaking the works and reopening the platform as soon as practicable for the community and fishers to continue to use and enjoy.
How can I keep up-to-date?
Future updates about the Fishing Platform will be posted on our Facebook page and this website as the refurbishment progresses.
If you have any questions please contact our Bunbury office on 9729 6500.