Across our business, we’re actively adopting sustainable projects, pathways and partnerships.

Green Port Initiative


‘Green Port’ initiative

Our Port of Albany prioritises projects that create an environmentally sustainable port. Early initiatives have included electric vehicles, the transition to battery-powered tools and equipment, rooftop solar power, and LED light towers.


Sea Wrack Reuse


Sea wrack reuse

The soil health of farmlands behind our Port of Bunbury is enhanced with seaweed compost (sea wrack) sourced from port pre-dredging activities.


Supporting our communities


Supporting our communities

Each year, we directly invest more than $260,000 in our regions, supporting more than 120 community events and grassroots projects through our Community Investment Program


Protecting our heritage


Protecting our heritage

The Pilot Cottages at our Port of Albany is a historical landmark, established in 1854 and a State Heritage-listed site since 2002. Plans are advancing to expand the functionality of the Cottage, creating a public space with historical artifacts that will run on renewable energy.


Innovation through collaboration


Innovation through collaboration

Marine structures are a critical part of the shipping and transport sector, and concrete corrosion is a complex issue for port authorities. Supported by Smartcrete CRC and led by the Curtin Corrosion Centre, we are working alongside Curtin University, Innovation Central Perth, Macquarie University, Qatar Environment & Energy Research Institute and Fremantle Ports on a new artificial intelligence-based tool to better manage high-risk corrosion areas across our ports.


Modern slavery in global supply chains


Modern slavery in global supply chains

Facilitating trade from regional Western Australia to the world presents a complex mix of supply chains across many modes of transport. We have taken an active position on modern slavery and the risks it poses within our global supply chains.


Investing in smart technologies


Investing in smart technologies

As we work towards embedding smart innovations for a future port, we’re embracing 3D modelling, digital twin development, remote asset monitoring with drones, artificial intelligence and augmented reality scenarios.


Renewable energy partnerships


Renewable energy partnerships

Southern Ports is a proud partner in the Shark Lake Renewables Hub, which opened in Esperance in May 2022. The new integrated power system comprises a 4MW solar farm, two 4.5MW wind turbines, a 4MW battery energy storage system, and a 22MW high-efficiency gas power station – meaning almost half of Esperance’s total electricity demand is now met by renewable sources.


Targeting net zero


Targeting net zero

To support the delivery of the net zero emissions target, we have been internally collating and calculating our greenhouse gas emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2 using the National Greenhouse Energy Reporting (NGER) methods for all locations since 2014.


reconciliation case study


We are sustainably and strategically taking meaningful action to advance reconciliation through our 'Reflect' Reconciliation Action Plan, currently in development. We have a deep resolve to strengthen relationships with Aboriginal peoples within the communities in which we operate and deepen our understanding of their cultures and communities. 


safety case study

Safety culture

Safety is our highest priority and we invest extensively in safety training, engineering solutions and technology to enhance workplace safety. This includes our Zero Incident Process (ZIP) safety culture program, which has been completed by more than 90 per cent of our team and fostered a 'safety citizenship' across all our sites.